Post-Panda Content Strategy Lessons from Magazine Editing

As a one-time editor the panda update was a bit of a ‘hallelujah’ moment. It was the point in time when past boardroom ‘rants’ actually came to fruition – that content is the only thing of true value to an audience and that its time would come around again.

The reality was that I just never lost sight of the fact that the content is king cliché actually has more than a little truth to it.

It’s been the foundation for our agency and today I wanted to share with you a little bit of insight into how we have transitioned the type of content planning that we have taken from the world of consumer specialist market magazines into the online space.

Writing for the specialist audience

Writing for a specialist audience is what Chinese Student Phone Number List writing for the web is all about. Unless you are a digital leviathan chances are you will be concentrating on a very specific audience.

Having edited magazines that live and breath narrow and extremely deep verticals this has come in very useful and as google has developed its content algorithm we have brought more and more magazine-style planning into our own content team and the sites that we manage.

Knowledge centres

Special Database

The key is to engage and entertain – to ensure you become a knowledge centre.

A specialist audience is a knowledgeable one EF Leads and that  We could fill this blog post with details about how to go about creating and structuring such content but for now lets just say that networks of experts and authorities are very important and that content just focus on specifics and go deep and narrow, just like the vertical itself.

The key question we are here to answer this time is, ‘how do you go about planning such content in an online environment?’

Six-month content strategies

With every new client we always sit down at the very beginning and create a six-month content strategy. For many it can seem like an over elaborate way of proving our worth but it serves as a key component in their future success.


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