Leaving the comfort zone has become a catchphrase at company conferences. In the world of professional motivation. These standardized messages can hardly increase motivation. In the company or have an effect on the change management of professionals. Its repetition generates habituation in listeners (they no longer pay attention) and its scientific validity is doubtful, like that of many other concepts that are applied in the field of management and career development. The professional objective can NEVER be to leave a comfort zone in which you have the desired motivation and performance. The objective is ALWAYS to reach a comfort zone and use it as a base and springboard to gradually expand it or to reach another motivational zone through new challenges and learning.

practical ideas about the comfort zone

In this state of tranquility an acceptable and constant level of performance executive email list and professional satisfaction. The fact that uncertainty, scarcity and vulnerability are minimized because we believe that we will have the support, talent. Therefore, Time and recognition necessary to achieve objectives or perform planned tasks. In summary, the classic concept of the comfort zone states that if you are comfortable in your company or in your professional life you only perform at an “acceptable” level, but you could do better if you reach optimal anxiety . The famous experiment conducted with mice by psychologists Robert M. Yerkes and John D. Therefore, Dodson in 1908 found that stimulating performance improves up to a certain level described as optimal anxiety.

Motivation in The concept comfort zone is circular

It is a mere label that describes a situation but does EF Leads not explain it, as often happens with the statements of less scientific disciplines and bad psychology that only amounts to psychopathy . I give you an example of psychopathy. When a manager does not lead his team well, many experts “explain” that it is due to his “lack of leadership.” And they close that circle by stating that he does not have leadership because he does not lead his team well. Something similar happens with “explanations” based on the factor: only professionals who leave their comfort zone are the ones who grow and improve; and we know that professionals improved because they left their comfort zone.

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