I assume that in addition to knowing the way in which a research project is conceiv, structur and develop, it is also important to know about the context in which it is part. And this context, as can be seen, is nothing other than the field of science and. In this case, notably, that of its method. Reflecting on its relevance for the exercise of all scientific research is. Therefore, necessary. And this is given in this way, even though in. The course of the presentation of this topic, there is occasion to know that there have been questions regarding the traditional. Vision that conceives the scientific method. As an objective and entirely rational procure. Let’s take a quick look at some aspects of interest in relation to this procure follow within the framework of scientific research.

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The field of epistemology – that philosophical discipline within the framework of which the nature, limitations and foundations of science are studi – has been the area in which the various aspects of the scientific method have been discuss. The Vienna Circle, a philosophical work society made up of philosophers who also business lead had a solid scientific training, carri out research of undeniable value in relation to this topic. Rudolf Carnap, Otto Neurath, Carl Hempel and other renown members of this philosophical brotherhood reflect on the peculiarities of scientific activity and also on its method, which they conceiv as a means of crucial relevance to develop the research process in systematic terms. scientific. Carl Hempel, in his book

Students in the Use of

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Philosophy of Natural Science explain in some detail the structure of scientific research in the field of nature, dealing, for example, with the hypothetical ductive structure of some laws of science, with probabilistic hypotheses. , and the role of induction in the scientific research process. It is already a classic passage, the one in which Hempel illustrates the steps of the scientific method by bringing up the famous case of Dr. Semmelweis, a doctor of Hungarian EF Leads origin who in the mid-19th century dicat enormous efforts to investigating the causes of puerperal fever, which in At that time, when there was no theoretical framework that explain infectious processes bas on microbiological causes, it constitut a terrifying threat for pregnant women.

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