Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) are the pages that Google and other search engines show in response to a user’s search query. They’re made up of organic and paid search results. Paid ads work on a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) basis, meaning that advertisers bid on keywords and pay Google for each click. The highest bidders generally receive prime placement, although Google also takes other factors like the relevance of the ad and CTR into account. Bottomline: If you want to appear in paid ads, you’ll have to dig into your piggy bank. Organic results Organic search results are pages from Google’s index.
Because there are
Often thousands of matching results, Google sorts them using hundreds of ranking factors. As a result, the most relevant and high-quality pages generally end up on the executive email list first page of the SERPs. Nobody knows all of Google’s ranking factors, but we do know some of them. For example, we know that the number of backlinks to a page is important.However, being featured in SERP features can also increase clicks to your website. Bottomline: It’s possible to show up in some SERP features, but the way you do that depends on the type of feature. There are three main sources of data for Knowledge Cards: Google’s Knowledge Graph, data partners, and other highly-trusted sources like Wikipedia and official government bodies. Can you appear in Knowledge Cards? Unlikely.
Yes. Like Featured Snippets, answers to the questions in PAA boxes come from third-parties. Having content that answers one or more of these questions means you have a chance of appearing in a PAA box.
Since data is pulled
Exclusively from Google-owned and trusted third-party sources, appearing in a Knowledge Card isn’t possible for most websites. Knowledge Panel Knowledge Panels EF Leads provide information about the main subject of the query. They usually appear near the top of the SERP on mobile, and on the right-hand side on desktop. Yes. Google shows branded Knowledge Panels for companies in the Knowledge Graph. These usually include a direct link to the company’s website and links to social profiles. Your company logo can also show up in competitors’ Knowledge Panels, although it doesn’t link to your website. It performs a Google search for the company name when clicked.