If you’ve ever seen something like this in the search results… What is an entity? It’s any object or concept that can be distinctly identified. This includes tangibles like people, places, and organizations, and intangibles like colors, concepts, and feelings. Entities are connected by edges, which describe the relationships between them. Storing real-world data like this helps Google to understand the meaning behind search queries, which means more relevant results for searchers. How does Google’s Knowledge Graph influence search and SEO? Generally speaking, the Knowledge Graph is a positive thing for both users and SEOs.

Users get more relevant

Search results, and SEOs get more traffic to deserving content. But it’s not all roses and unicorns. There are some downsides. Here are four ways the Knowledge Graph company data influences search, for better and worse: Google better understands search intent Links are great for gauging the quality of a page, but not its relevance to the search query. That’s fine as long as search queries resemble the language of the content. Google can use quality signals such as links to return the best content from its index. But people don’t always search that way. They describe things in different ways. That’s where the Knowledge Graph comes in, as it allows Google to go beyond keyword matching and return more relevant results.

For example take the query

Small green guy with lightsaber: With Google Assistant now built into more than one billion devices, and around 70% of requests being expressed in natural EF Leads language, making sense of voice queries is more important than ever for Google. How does the Knowledge Graph help with this? It allows Google to recognize entities and attributes in natural language queries. Just think for a moment about the way you type search queries versus how you actually talk. Yes, there’s a difference. Take a look at this query, for example: Step up your PR and link building game Let’s deal with the most challenging aspect first. It’s so much easier to be included as an entity in Google’s Knowledge Graph if your company gets talked about on the internet. 

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