Given that product differentiation is increasingly difficult, many companies want customer experience to be their new great differential. However, there is a long way to go from saying to doing. Wanting to differentiate yourself by providing a memorable experience is laudable and a fairly common desire, unfortunately very few achieve it. Why is it so difficult to differentiate yourself in service? Because it entails underlying challenges, something that not all organizations are willing to take on. It is a long, complex and exhausting path that many undertake unsuccessfully. Three obstacles to achieving the long-awaited differentiation in service. Because it requires a deep commitment from the organization’s leaders this sounds obvious and simple but it is more scarce than it should be.
Because it requires a deep commitment from the organization's leaders
In many cases, it is simply stated, paid lip service: “we want to have the customer at the center” or “now we will be customer centric .” it is proclaimed but it does not entail a real commitment to the client. That is, the expectation is said and created but the client company data does not notice it. Why is it essential for leaders to be deeply committed? Because they are the only people who have the capacity and influence to mobilize all areas.
And since the customer experience, being a sum of interactions, does not depend on a particular area (customer service, operations or sales). But on absolutely the entire company. They are the only ones who can dictate and “push” to each area towards the path (because “ what my boss likes, i love ”).
Because the processes are not compatible with the client
You can have all the will and disposition; but you will not always. Have the power to mobilize those who do not depend on you. As much as it may seduce your colleagues, it is the guideline and instruction (or order) that comes from above that makes all areas EF Leads start moving. It will be difficult for them to provide the dream experiences.