10 things you should know as a content writer

Most students when they start their GATE preparation look for and read through. The previous years question papers and initially most of the questions seem superficial. Also, after you look at the answers. It may seem easy, but it’s not. To help you cope with the daunting task of preparing for this test. You content writer can avail GATE Metallurgy coaching from Career Avenues. For your convenience, we have detailed an organized pattern to read and study all the topics of.

The test as content writer follows:

First you have to watch all the materials science and engineering lecture videos on the GATE Metallurgy coaching website. After watching the lecture video on materials science, read the book Physical Metallurgy by Virender Singh. If you are short on time, just read the “Dislocations” and “Heat treatment” chapters.  Now, take a thorough look executive email list at George E. Dieter’s Mechanical Metallurgy. Here based on the topics mentioned in GATE Metallurgy syllabus. Special focus is given to plastic forming of metals (forging, rolling, extrusion, etc.).

Try other related tools 

The next step is to read Introduction to Thermodynamics of Materials by David R. Gaskell. Make sure all numerical problems in the exercise book have been solved.  “HS Ray Nonferrous Metal Extractive EF Leads Metallurgy” is an absolutely important textbook. You can read as much as you like about the extraction and refining processes of different ores, various metals. Take notes from it. For metal casting and welding topics you can download pdf or use reference books. Casting Technology by OP Khanna and Welding Technology by the same author.

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