For example: How many products will be . Promot (and how different . These products will be from each other); What is the price variation between these products. On which platforms (physical and/or digital) these products .Will be available; How each of these products will be offer to each type of persona. Product Product is what your company will offer : This product can be an object (like a bicycle), a service (unclogging pipes), or even a structure of ideas (a course). It is worth mentioning that if your product is not “good”, there will be no Marketing strategy that will be able to increase your sales.

Square Where are you going to market the product

Price How much are the benefits that the . Product will deliver to the customer . Worth? It is from this question that a precise value . Must be defin to cover the cost that will keep the .Product on the shelves (physical or digital) with quality in the long term. To answer this question, factors such as social. psychological, production, delivery, chargebacks and returns, production problems and other calculations that affect the pricing of your product must be consider. Square Where are you going to market the product? Believe me: even the price influences this decision. Will digital new database platforms be us? Are you going to open an online store ? Sell ​​door to door? For delivery? Use several of these options at once? It’s very important to ask: “Where is the persona for my product?” and go to where she is.

Creation of a digital environment for

new base

Promotion The term “Promotion” in this . Case does not refer to discounts: it is about promoting the product. It’s about creating a bridge of . Communication and interaction between the brand and the persona to be reach. You may even EF Leads know where your potential customer is, but if you don’t know how to speak their language — and speak it when they buy — you will certainly have difficulties, even if your product is the best on the market. Propagation After the content has been produc, publish and promot, what are the ways to expand this promotion ? Many people think that Inbound and Outbound Marketing are antagonistic.

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