Exclusive access to a webinar

A free consultation for those who act fast. Emphasize limited availability. If the reader doesn’t buy now, someone else might take their place. An effective example of limited availability is airlines indicating the number of seats remaining. With limited seats remaining, you’ll feel compelled to purchase your ticket now to guarantee your spot. Expedia limited offers 12. Offer bonuses on purchases using your affiliate link By offering free bonuses for using your affiliate link, you can significantly increase your conversions and help you achieve affiliate marketing success. A study published in the Journal of Advertising demonstrates this. case study One group was offered two cookies and two cupcakes for $0.75. 40% bought. But when another group was offered two cupcakes for $0.75 and two cookies for free, the purchase rate jumped to 73%. Takeaway? Free bonuses such as consultations.

Increase the perceived value of the offer

And entice people to buy. For example, look at how WP Crafter advertises accommodation options on their website. Everyone who signs up with one of their favorite hosts gets a free $499 training bonus package. wpcrafter offer Pro tip: When offering bonuses, emphasize the monetary value of what you’re providing. This helps your audience better Brazil Phone Number List understand the added value they will receive. 13. Create a product review policy page Adding a carefully designed product review policy page to your affiliate marketing website offers many benefits: By showing your commitment to transparency, it increases the trust of your readers. This increases EEAT and can help improve your ranking. This shows that you have a strong editorial “spine” and won’t recommend unnecessary products to make a quick buck. For a great example of a product review policy, see the Sleep Foundation Research Methodology page .

Sleep Foundation Product Review Policy

Disclose affiliate links Disclosing affiliate links in your content isn’t just an ethical issue—it’s also required by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) . The best way to add an affiliate disclaimer is to edit your WordPress post template. This allows you to automatically add disclosure to each post, avoiding site speed issues associated with disclosure EF Leads plugins. Here’s how to edit your post template: Step 1. Go to your WordPress dashboard and go to Appearance > Theme File Editor. Easily create your website with r lets you easily create any website design or blog with a professional look for free. DOWNLOAD TEMPLATES WordPress theme file editor Step 2 . Select the Theme Functions WordPress theme file code You can change the disclaimer to say whatever you want. 15.

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