On mobile, it appears when the user scrolls down the page. Here’s how you can create the perfect display: Sign up for a conversion optimization plugin that offers pop-ups. I recommend Optinmonster or Conversion box . Confirm the full price of the product on the sales page. You want readers to compare the total price with the discount that will appear. Set up a discount popup and a timer to show when the discount ends. Here’s what it might look like: exit coupon popup – best affiliate marketing strategies and tips When implementing this strategy, you should use a real timer and turn off the discount when the time expires. Using an artificial timer that always shows a few minutes left can get you into legal trouble. Fortunately, there is an easy fix.

Without resorting to unethical tactics

Don’t forget that you don’t have to offer a discount only through a pop-up window; if anyone wants to buy at full price and give higher commissions, let them! 5 . Emphasize the consequences of inaction Fear is a great motivator. It’s a primal UK Phone Number List instinct, and harnessing the power of this emotion can dramatically increase your conversion rates. I know this paragraph makes me sound like a heartless affiliate marketing bot who wants to scare people into buying stuff. However, this is not the case. Explaining the consequences of not buying a product can help your audience understand the risk they are taking if they don’t take action.Swim University does a great job in their article on pool alarms .

The first sentence mentions

That you can protect your children or pets from drowning by purchasing a pool alarm. If I were a parent or pet owner, I would want to know ahead of time that this product could prevent a horrible tragedy. The main thing is to do it in a simple way. Present the potential consequences clearly and concisely. Going beyond scare tactics can make your content seem aggressive and misleading, especially if the consequences are not serious. 6 . Use proven writing EF Leads techniques Proven methods for writing effective sales copy have been developed, optimized and refined over the past century. Here are some of my favorite affiliate marketing copywriting strategies: Focus on benefits and visualizations Many people base their purchasing decisions on emotion rather than logic. To incorporate this into your affiliate content.

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