In our industry we ask a lot of questions. How do I make better content? What can I do to build more links? Which seat can I take? But perhaps the most frequently asked question in the SEO community is regarding the nature of search engines and their algorithms.
SEOMoz does an incredible job of enlightening us through their research on search engine ranking factors. This topic is obviously of utmost interest to all of us, as posts about social signals in search and ranking correlations get a whole lot more thumbs up and comments than most others.
But the question I want to ask is not what are the rankings factors now, but what will be the ranking factors of the future? Search engines and their algorithms are evolving, and if our websites, content, links and strategies don’t evolve with them, well, then you still have invisible text on your pages .
10,000 keywords in your meta keywords tag. How’s that working out for you right now
There are already articles about the Germany Business Fax List future of search engine algorithms, but I would like to offer up my own speculation, based on experience, existing factors and common sense. I believe the future of search can be categorized by what I will call The Six V’s: value, validity, variety, vision, volume and visitors.
That’s a mouthful Let me explain what I mean by each one
The value of a website’s content is hard to determine but this factor will primarily be links. Right now we say links determine your trust, authority and EF Leads relevance. All of these things say the same thing to me, and that is value.
Value can also come in the form of a brand. ESPN is a very valuable brand. Content that belongs to ESPN is therefore going to be valuable. This is like domain authority is now. The value of a page is determin by the links to that page; the value of a domain is determin by the links to all of the domain’s pages.