Nailing down your content strategy is one of the best ways to grow your business. But that’s easier said than done. To help you with this, I want to dissect a few successful content strategy examples. Not only will we look at what content they create, but we’ll also look at why their strategies work and tips on implementing these strategies in your own marketing. 1. Ahrefs First up, I’d like to highlight our own content strategy here at Ahrefs. We rely almost solely on content to promote our product, which is an all-in-one SEO toolset. Why us? Because our content marketing strategy was one of the main factors that grew our traffic to over 2.4M monthly visits from search engines (data from Ahrefs’ Site Explorer):

What is our strategy?

We focus on search engine optimization, i.e., creating content intended to rank on the front page of Google for keywords that help us promote our product. We started with a focus on SEO-specific content, but we’ve since scaled our blog to cover other marketing topics, including content marketing, affiliate marketing, video marketing, and more. The Ahrefs Blog top industry data Our strategy begins with keyword research to determine what keywords our target audience is searching for. Then we create content that matches the search intent of those keywords.

Why does it work so well?

Our SEO strategy works so well because our content (and our tools) is extremely useful to anyone who wants to learn and implement SEO on their EF Leads own website. We also already have a strong backlink portfolio, which is one of Google’s most important ranking factors. While many niches are less competitive and don’t require nearly as many links to compete, the SEO niche is highly competitive, and we need the backlinks to outrank our competitors. Lastly, we have rigorous editorial standards to make sure our content is epic, and we check all the boxes for technical SEO.

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