Tips and Tools for Effective Video Content

By now we know (and see) it, videos are everywhere and are central to web marketing and social media marketing strategies.

Even more so if the videos are for promoting something: institutional videos, advertising and promotional videos in general .

The fundamental premise, which everyone clashes with, is that videos are not created in a few minutes, they require a significant investment of time (and not only) .

For this reason, it is important to carefully study this communication channel and understand it thoroughly, so as to dedicate the online video ideation and creation phase the space it deserves in your communication strategy.

If you want to learn more about the importance of videos and the effectiveness of this format in your social strategies, we talked about it here: Social Video: a Must Have for Social Media Marketing .

With the usual pragmatism, in this article we will see some advice and also software and apps to create online videos, promotional and otherwise : the goal is to help you create quality content that attracts your ideal target audience.

You’ll learn how to make engaging, trend-driven videos that capture your audience’s attention while improving your online presence.

How to Create an Attention-Grabbing Video Ad for Social Media (and More)

Before talking about some of the best programs and apps for creating videos, I think it is useful to start from the previous phase, that of ideation .

As in many other areas that concern the bc data china world of marketing and digital, also in this case, a careful analysis of data (not only numerical) is essential to create videos that “capture” the user.

To do this, there are some useful tips to keep in mind during the various stages of video creation.

 What message do you want to convey?

At the first point, think about the message , the concept , the set of values ​​or solutions that you want to convey.

They will need to be summarized in a few seconds or a few minutes of video, so you will need to be very clear about the aspects you want to convey,with which words, with which images and with which underlying style.

 Find, understand and connect with your audience

On every social platform, you can get data about your followers’ location, age range, gender, and often even information about whether you’ve responded to them their jobs, interests, and education.

But don’t stop at the data alone, we are still human beings with a thousand nuances.

If you want to create truly engaging videos , you need to think about the problems people are trying to solve or the goals they have. This advice, while trivial when you think about it, applies to any marketing content.

 Research the hottest trends

Trend research is one of the key points in the video creation process along with target research.

There are different ways to do this, such as using tools or social media listening (listening to conversations on social media) .

Some of the most used tools are:

  • Google Trends : Google’s platform that allows you to observe the past, present and future trends of topics and words.
  • Exploding Topics : This tool gives burkina faso leads you insights into the specific time period and focuses everything on your chosen topic.
  • SeoZoom, SemRush, UberSuggest: these are all SEO tools that allow you to analyze.

Social media listening is another approach to uncovering new trends to use in video creation and can be done in several ways:

  • Analysis of # : you can do it on Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, Youtube and also on Facebook; just enter a word in the search bar and a search window will appear with the most popular content by topic, with related hashtags. If you want to learn more about the hashtag theme, you can find our article here . 
  • Pinterest Trends : The homepage shows the latest trends on Pinterest divided by sector and country, with the possibility of deepening them in a graph over a period of up to 12 months. Another interesting thing is the visualization of the trends through a collage of images.
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