The keys to digitalization of the pharmaceutical industry: Move forward or die!


We live in the digital age and most consumers are connect for a good part of the day, thanks to their computers or mobile phones. New communication channels have opened up, making it easier for brands and people to communicate on the Internet. Which is a meeting point where users are very predisposed to listen and where they seek to be heard. This factor has not gone unnoticed by companies and many have begun their digitalisation process, although each at a different pace .

The pharmaceutical sector has always been more reluctant to change. Which is why digital transformation has taken longer to reach the companies that belong to it. Due to its intrinsic characteristics. Renovation requires a large deployment of resources and modifications that are a challenge to assume. A large 45% of health companies say they have the resources to carry out . The desired transformation, however only 19% have a specific action plan.

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The keys to the digitalization of the pharmaceutical industry – Advance or die

Why is the pharmaceutical industry taking longer to digitalize?

Marketing professionals in the healthcare industry are aware that they . Must take the digital challenge yemen email list 88337 contact leads seriously and implement changes correctly. But despite this good intention, they still deal on a daily basis with the limitations that the legal framework has in their sector (and its particularities in each country). Added to the responsibility of managing communications related to the well-being of patients. Such sensitive issues cannot be taken lightly and mean that the various adaptations are delayed over time.


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These and other barriers have delayed the digitalisation of the industry. Let’s look at the main does the time we work affect happiness? handicaps and the path to improvement that some companies are following.


Barriers to digitalisation in the pharmaceutical sector


1# Digital transformation starts from within
Firstly, from the company’s management . If each member of the top management does alb directory  believe in change from their individual or personal perspective, little can be done to advance the digital transformation of all the company’s communication channels.



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