Telling about your tourist destination

To attract users and make them book a dream vacation, you could think about publishing topics related to the location where the tourist facility is located.

Especially during the low season, it would be a good idea to develop mini-guides to publish on social media and to encourage users to stay with you in that particular location.

Photo, photo, photo

We have already talked about them in the previous points, but they are really fundamental. Take the utmost care of the photographic content, applying if possible also a frame / template that shows your logo and the location.

When users share the beautiful content paytm database you post, your name will also be spread and therefore your brand will be much more recognizable. Let’s make the most of users’ photos and strive to always come up with new photographic content to post: a Christmas table, spring flowers, Easter eggs, the summer sun, fresh water on a hot day, the sunset on the sea, the sunrise in the mountains, etc…

These are just 5 ideas that can somehow be useful to all tourist facilities in general. Surely every hotel, every residence, every tourist village.

In this sense, digital marketing experts machine learning and artificial intelligence can come to the rescue and we at Bee Social would also be happy to give you some advice without obligation!

 Create a calendar with targeted topics

On social media, “national days” are going strong, which can be more or less institutional. At the beginning of the season, do a check of the days that can be related to your tourist activity and plan the posts that will have to come out month by month.

If you need a reminder, you can find lack data all the dates of the social calendar here .

Some examples? February 17th is National Cat Day: if your hotel welcomes four-legged friends, it could be the perfect excuse to remind your potential customers!

Or again: on April 1st it can be fun to create a social prank for your users, think of a winning idea now and put it on the calendar… you’ll make a great impression!

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