GSOs! which stands for Google Search Operators ! are useful tools for refining the results of the search engine’s search results page! through some changes to the search query.
Google Search Operators can be considered real “ filters ”; knowing that Google search generally ignores punctuation! GSOs can be considered – despite their banality – special characters that are really useful for those who deal with SEO (and not only).
In short! Google Search Operators – which can often also be used with other search engines! such as Bing and Yahoo – can be combined with the single search keyword or the query itself to obtain more selective results.
How do Google Search Operators work?
Google Search Operators can be divided into 3 macro-groups:
*In computer science! a Boolean variable! or simply Boolean! is a data type that takes on “Boolean” values! that is! only two possible stockholder database values that represent the truth value in a Boolean algebra. Typically the two possible values are indicated as “true” or “false” or as 1 or 0.
All Google Search Operators can also be added together and used to set limits to the search by excluding some words! for example! or by defining in advance the format of the document/file you are looking for or whether the keyword you are interested in must be specifically present in the title and so on…
There are also “special” GSOs! designed specifically for use on Google Drive or Gmail.
Once we have understood on a technical level what we are talking about! let’s actually focus on which special characters to insert into our search query! which can be useful for web marketing purposes.
What are Google Search Operators
As we were saying! Google search generally 13 tips to increase views and likes on tiktok does not take punctuation into account (except as GSO precisely) but there is another important fact to remember: even the use of spaces in this case has a specific value.
Even long keywords will need to be written without spaces to work with GSO.
With this in mind! let’s start with the list of the most useful and functional Google Search Operators for those who deal with SEO! copywriting and web marketing in general.
Google Search Operators for SEO and Content Marketing
Google Search Operators! like the simple Google Suggest! can be very useful elements for the analysis of a specific market sector or for finding new inspirations and ideas for relevant and SEO oriented content .
Search Operators are in fact extremely lack data useful for analyzing competitors and for researching related keywords . Sometimes a correct and conscious use of the SERP can in fact provide more information than other paid tools can.
For this purpose! you can for example force the results using these/