George Pape Sales and Marketing Manager

contact name: George Pape
contact job function details: sales marketing
contact job function: sales,marketing

contact job title: Sales and Marketing Manager

contact job seniority: manager

contact person city: Fort Edward

contact person state: New York

contact person country: United States

contact person zip code: 12828

business name: Foster Corporation

business domain:

business facebook URL:

business linkedin:

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business website:

india part time job seekers phone number list small package

business angellist:

business found year: 1989

business city: Putnam

business zip code: 6260

business state: Connecticut

business country: United States

business language: English

business employee: 47

business category: plastics

business specialty: custom compounding, polymer distribution, toll compounding, cleanroom manufacturing, radiopaque polymers, bioresorbable polymers, longterm implantable polymers, polymers blends, alloys, color matching, plastics

business technology: google_analytics,youtube,apache,ubuntu,drupal,visistat,office_365

business description: We create the highest value for customers requiring polymers that enable medical technologies and improve the quality of life.


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