Why They Are Important and How to Use Them

This theoretical tool, often simply called Personas, allows you to personify the target you are addressing within your business strategy, it is therefore the representation of a segment of customers with common purchasing behaviors.

Correctly identifying the Buyer pesonas, allows you to describe in detail the typical user who will buy your products or services and create a performing marketing strategy. It will be the precise knowledge of the behavior of your customers, habits, centers of interest, expectations, preferences, but also their aversions that will allow you to define messages and strategies capable of responding to their needs.

Only when you have defined these elements will you be able to offer content in line with their profile and their problems. You will then be able to create a value proposition that overlaps perfectly with the profile of your customers.

How to Create a Buyer Persona

Please note that you can create multiple bc data hong kong Personas for the same product, but it will be important to create a separate communication for each profile (in case they have different behaviors) or create a communication that satisfies the aspects common to each profile.

Defining the Buyer Persona helps you understand where your customer is looking for information and you will be able to concentrate your marketing efforts, in fact it makes no sense to invest in a communication channel that your potential customers are not used to going to. 

Buyer Personas also help you develop new products or services . If you know what your Buyer Persona is looking for, you can create targeted content specifically for

Identify your Buyer Personas

First of all, remember the Buyer Persona the new trends to follow your company is addressing. You can start by identifying the 4 or 5 most representative profiles of your customers with distinct interests and needs compared to your offer. If you find more than 4 or 5, try to reduce the number by keeping only the most significant profiles.

Once you have selected the profiles, give ba leads each one a name that identifies it. Keep in mind all the actors that can influence your sales are not only the actual customers but also the different categories of prescribers. Use your personal experience to identify and characterize them.

For each of them, identify the main segmentation criteria, such as the sector of activity, the position, the responsibilities, etc.

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