What to do to start selling your products online

If your company already sells its products through distributors or agents but you are considering opening an e-commerce to increase sales, in this post I will try to provide you with a series of essential tips to correctly manage this change without leaving out any fundamental aspect.

First analyze your market and your company’s skills to define an online sales strategy. In fact, it is not enough to implement an e-commerce site , in my experience I have learned that companies that invest time to understand the online market related to the sector in which they operate are much more likely to succeed.

This post therefore seeks to provide you with a complete framework to analyze the context in which you operate and the organizational skills necessary to develop your promotional strategy in the best possible way.

Study your competitors

The first step in developing your strategy business owner database should be to understand how online sales work in your industry. A good place to start is to observe and understand the actions of market leaders and your direct competitors in order to fully understand best practices and competitive positioning.

Here are some questions you can try to answer to better understand how your competitors operate:

  • How do you distinguish competing companies?
  • Who are the customers they are targeting?
  • Do they run online promotions? Which ones?
  • What are the main features of their website?
  • What can I learn from these websites?
  • How can I stand out from these competitors?

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Analyze your customers

The next step is to better understand who how to edit youtube comments your e-commerce customers will be. To do this, try creating a personas profile by answering these questions:

  • How old are they?
  • Why do they buy online?
  • What features do they expect to find in an e-commerce?

If you already have data on your customers collected offline or online, you already have a series of very useful information to set up your e-commerce store in the best way.

Measure the impact on your trading partners

Remember to consider how your online sales initiative will impact your partners’ business. Consider the following aspects.

How dependent are you on each of your partners? Take for example a distributor of your products through a network of independent retail mobile list stores or distributor agents. Your e-commerce launch will likely threaten their distribution network, which may fear that the site will cause a reduction in in-store sales.

  • How will you handle this situation?
  • Will you share a percentage of online sales from a certain geographic area with your distributors or agents?
  • Would you prefer to include the distributor store in your delivery process?
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