How to choose hashtags on Instagram?

We are used to seeing these and many other hashtags on Instagram above all! but also on Twitter! LinkedIn and Facebook. Today we talk about how to use hashtags on Instagram ! in a sensible way to meet the marketing objectives that a company sets for itself.


Introduction – Why spend time choosing hashtags? Clearly to make yourself known! to find new users interested in the topics you cover! to improve your chances of selling (if your goal is selling) or visibility towards a target user of interest.

The 5 Groups of the Ideal Hashtag Mix

Or like the aforementioned #photooftheday and #whatitalyis. These are mainstream hashtags! among those that immediately come to mind; they zalo database are very generic and can be applied to various topics. In general! these hashtags bring very few results! except in rare cases! because they are so exploited that it is easy to drown your photo or video in the infinity of posts published every second with these tags.

They represent common topics or needs within a general topic. They won’t always give you great visibility (it depends)! but they are the right compromise between very popular hashtags and niche hashtags.

in our case we often use #beesocial with the bee emoji. It’s not entirely a proper hashtag! because it’s also used by other accounts with a similar name to ours. It’s okay! it’s part of the game: it’s not possible to make any claim of paternity of hashtags! nor would it make sense…

A hashtag tailored to your needs gives enter all locations into a google account you the opportunity to carve out an almost “private” space for yourself! to work on your brand awareness ! offering your closest fans the chance to recognize you and get in touch with you.

This is a proposal for a classic “hashtag-mix”! but everyone can experiment and understand which formula is best suited to their situation.

The Hashtag Mix for Instagram in TheContentPlanner Case

Not long ago I came across an interview with the creator of TheContentPlanner. I’ll skip over the whole story (very interesting! you can find it here in the original)! to focus on her Instagram strategy in terms of hashtags. It is on lack data Instagram! in fact! that this entrepreneur created her business and cultivated her user base.

Katherine Gaskin – this is her name – regularly creates groups of “long tail” hashtags (so almost exclusively “niche” and “not very popular” hashtags)! with the aim of avoiding the axe of the poor visibility of the Instagram algorithm and of dispersing views  towards non-target users! thus increasing.

These groups of hashtags are therefore divided along the groups that I listed before! but in turn they are sub-categorized on the basis of their buyer personas (the specific types of customers). So! for example! there is the group of niche hashtags for fashion bloggers! one for social media marketing professionals! one for those who manage an e-commerce! etc.Each group of hashtags is associated with the images that best represent the expected benefits of the product for that specific group of potential customers. She herself says, in one point (I translate freely).

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