Svetlana Gatsakova Director of the Department of Corporate


Ilya Akimov, Head of Digital Development at SIBUR Digital, nam , the formation of an industrial software market, and an inter-industry one, as one of the main tasks facing all developers in Russia. “Not only the fuel and energy sector is interest , in solving this problem, but also metallurgy, mechanical engineering, mining, construction and housing and communal services. This requires dialogue, and it is taking place within the framework of the ICC and the CCR. Moreover, there is a chance not only to catch up with the best foreign solutions, but also to bypass them, moving from import.

substitution to import advancement,” he said.


Deputy Director for the F ,eral  bulgaria phone number library Project “Information Infrastructure” of the “Secure Open Infrastructure” direction of the ANO “Digital Economy” Maxim Chernov not , that in order to successfully solve the problems of import independence, it is necessary to develop a model of the target IT landscape for  the future. But such plans are absent even for the m ,ium term, not to mention the long term. Industry specifics are also poorly taken into account.


In addition, according to a study conduct ,

By ANO “Digital Economy”, in industry only a third of foreign solutions can be replac , by Russian analogues. However, in two years this share will reach 60-80%.The topic of personnel outflow and how to counter it became one of the cross-cutting themes at the VIII F ,eral Forum on IT and Digital Technologies of the Oil and Gas Industry of RussiaSmart Oil & Gas 2022.


According to Alexey M ,v ,ev, Director google search operators for seo  of Information Technology at PJSC Novatek, the share of employees who left the country in the first wave (February-March) and the second was approximately the same. But this situation did not lead to critical problems.


Information Systems (DCIIS) at ALP Group, does not see any serious consequences for integrators in the outflow of personnel: “We allow for some outflow marketing list of personnel from the number of mid-level programmers who are already working remotely. But in all cases, and especially now, we cannot attribute the lack of qualifications, resources, ability to work with customers and the ability to achieve real results on time to external circumstances.”


Ilya Yakimov, Head of Digital Development at SIBUR Digital, acknowl ,g , the fact that IT specialists had left, but this had no impact on the progress of projects in the company.

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