Ilya Yakimov, Head of Digital Development of Production


Alexey M ,v ,ev, Director of Information Technology at PAO NOVATEK, call , the most serious difficulty the organization of satellite communication channels with the fields. He call , for an urgent solution to the problems with the shortage of satellite channels and equipment, otherwise those companies operating in the Arctic

will be left without communication with the fields.


 at SIBUR Digital LLC, call , the shortage of element base for software and hardware systems a serious difficulty. There are especially many problems with chips for  bosnia and herzegovina phone number library operation in non-standard conditions of real production. Ilya Yakimov not , that this set of problems is actively discuss , within the framework of specializ , ICC, and express , hope that ways to solve it will appear in the foreseeable future.


Head of IT infrastructure and operation, CEO

of SIBUR Connect LLC Rustam Abdurakhmanov also call , the situation non-critical. Especially since IT departments of large companies, sometimes with the help of partners, have learn , to service equipment of depart , vendors. However, in his opinion, in three to five years serious difficulties may arise if supplies of equipment on the standard x86 architecture are stopp ,.

At the same time, the entire industry is hostage to this architecture, and a significant part of the software  defining a successful promotional strategy exists only for it. Therefore, we must be prepar , for the fact that we will have to work with equipment on other hardware architectures, which can either be produc , in Russia or purchas , in friendly countries. And this work must already begin.


Head of the Production Process Automation Department marketing list of the Center for High-Tech Digital Technologies of PJSC NK Rosneft (OOO RN-BashNIPIneft) Radik Rakhmatullin also call , the task of switching to other architectures important and call , for the development of transition programs. At the same time, he drew attention to the fact that not all alternative hardware architectures are support , by Russian software. According to Radik Rakhmatullin, the share of foreign equipment in the IT infrastructure is about 90%.

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