Vladimir Kokorin!Head of the Information Systems and Communications Systems Operation Department of the Information Technology Department of Salym Petroleum Development LLC, call , for a more active look at fundamentally new solutions, such as quantum computing. In his opinion, trying to overtake! Intel and other market leaders will not work.
Radik Rakhmatullin was critical of
Russian information protection tools (IPS). They are not up to the mark. Vladimir Kokorin support , this statement. According to him, Russian IPS should be implement , very carefully and only after thorough testing.
IT expert Sergey Fokin agre , bolivia phone number library that the problems associat , with foreign sanctions and supply restrictions are just beginning. However, in his opinion, serious successes have already been achiev ,. Among them, he nam , the emergence of Russian cloud services, operating systems, many classes of software (office, business process automation). And all these products and services.
according to Sergey Fokin, have great potential in foreign markets, where there is a demand for products that are alternative to solutions from major international companies.In 2022, 111 companies from the oil, gas and petrochemical industries took part in the forum! The number of participants was 1,310, of which 750 specialists visit , the site in person, and 560 people watch , the forum online, representing all the largest oil and gas companies in Russia, developers and integrators of IT solutions, software products, telecommunications equipment and automat , process control systems, as well as industry experts.
– PJSC Gazprom Neft , OOO SIBUR , PJSC NOVATEK , OOO TagraS-Holding , PJSC Tatneft .
The official partner of the machine learning and artificial intelligence forum was the 1C Company. The gold sponsor was IBS, the silver sponsors were JSC marketing list TransTeleCom Company (TTK), CLOUD (OOO Cloud Technologies) and Yandex Cloud, the bronze sponsors were OOO Open Mobile Platform, OOO R , SOFT and OOO Intelsi.