Nothing brings such super-profits as an emotional connection with something. When I participat. in various programming conferences in school. I was very proud to belong to the IT community.
Even though I was a programmer
I was a schoolboy. I didn’t have much money. so going to some establishments was a luxury for me. The most I could afford was to buy a hot dog at the bus stop.
But one day. in one of the computer newspapers. I read a note about some bar malaysia telegram data organizing an IT party for programmers. system administrators and other eggheads who are connect. with computer technologies.
And now attention… QUESTION!
Could I not go to such an event? If I was proud of my status. could I miss all this? Of course! Of course not I am a programmer. and this is an event for programmers. So I collect. all my savings and went to meet the unknown. By the way. everything was not so expensive… I worri. in vain.
But after that trip. I learn. some practical examples of innovative communication an important lesson (which I began to apply in marketing. and which I am now sharing with you).
If you establish an emotional connection
once again for those who didn’t understand
…if you establish an emotional connection with a person. selling him something is not a problem at all!
Why do you think sports championships are sponsor. by corporations? Why do companies in movies buy the right for the main character to use their car/computer/suit?
Do you know the answer? Yes. you do! That’s right… so that a person has an emotional connection with the product. Want to be like James Bond? Buy an Aston Martin! Want to play like Beckham? Use Old Spice. esperanto leads That’s the whole point. The emotion of using the product. Being like someone.