How to Run a VKontakte Community: Create an Open Group

Today we will tell you about open groups. which. despite the apparent wild popularity of publics. still remain very popular among our subscribers.

The open group format will suit

If you plan to exchange opinions with participants and do not want to limit them in posting notes on the wall. This format is also well suit. for free bulletin boards.

Create a group

When creating a group. you ne. to enter:

  1. Name
  2. Type of community (in our case. a group)
  3. Subject . This is either a  usa telegram data “community of interests. blog” or “Company. store. person page”. It is chosen depending on the tasks facing the community.
  4. Broad subject matter . This is. in fact. what your group is d.icat. to – auto/moto. beauty and health. etc. Please note – for the type “Community of interests. blog” there is its own list of subjects. for the type “Company page. store. person” – its own.
  5. Narrow topic . Its presence or absence depends on the chosen broad topic.

Create a new page and choose a topic

Setting up sections

Let’s move on to setting up sections.

Displaying group information and news

The following sections are available in the group:

  1. Wall . This is where posts are post. both from the group and from users.
    The wall can be turn. off. in which case it will not be possible to post in the group.

    • With an open wall. both the group and users can post. Only posts from the group will be display. in the news fe. of the participants. Comments on the publications are open.
    • With a restrict. wall. only a group can post publications. and all users can comment on posts.
    • With a clos. wall. only the group can post publications. and comments are clos..
  2. Photos . Can be post.  either by all group members (if open). or only by .itors and administrators (if restrict.).
  3. Videos . Can be post. either by all group members (if open) or only by .itors and administrators (if restrict.).
  4. Audio recordings . Can be post. either by all group members (if open) or only by .itors and administrators (if restrict.). Not ne.. in most cases. but useful if the group is relat. to music or audiobooks.
  5. Documents . Can be post. either by all group members (if open) or only by .itors and administrators (if restrict.).
  6. Discussions . New topics can be creat. either by all group members (if open). or only by .itors and administrators (if restrict.). Everyone can comment in discussions.
  7. Materials . If open. any member of the group can create wiki pages on behalf of the group. If restrict.. only .itors and administrators. At the same time. if the materials section is not disabl.. an additional section will appear in the group (by default. “Latest news”).
  8. Products . Add. and .it. only by .itors and community administrators. Any VKontakte user can view and comment on products.

Adding products to a group


If the wall is open or restrict.. applications and websites  you can enable a profanity filter and set up keywords that will automatically delete comments. For example. mentions of competitors or words that indicate that the message is spam.




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