Add a link to the left menu
Add a greeting and it will be seen by anyone who opens a new conversation with the group. Applications You can add an application that suits the format of your work with subscribers – sending messages. questionnaires. collecting applications. etc.
One application can be install. in a community at a time.
Arrangement of sections on a public page
By default. with all turkey telegram data sections enabl.. the layout looks like this:
Default page section layout
Default page section layout
When filling out the sections. they will be arrang. like this [clickable image!]:
This is what a page with fill. sections looks like
This is what a page with fill. sections looks like
Please note that if products are disabl. in the public. photo albums will NOT move to their place. as in the group. but will be locat. only in the right block.
Location of publics on subscribers’ pages
The list of publics is locat. under the user’s friends list. Thus. people who visit a person’s personal page can see which publics are most interesting to the page owner. this is the so-call. TOP-5.
The public automatically esperanto leads gets into the top 5 in 4th or 5th place for a person Therefore, who just subscrib. to it. and then gradually drops Therefore, if the user interacts little with the community content.
Page links are display. Therefore, in user profiles
Page links are display. in Therefore, user profiles
This concludes our review of the public page format. and next time we will take a closer look at events (meetings).
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