Do you remember when we told you how even brands belonging to difficult sectors such as pharmaceuticals or medicine have the opportunity to “modernize” themselves and use social media well to better interact with the community?
Well, drugs, medicines and health services are not the only sectors that encounter some difficulties from the point of view of branding and communication: financial products and energy suppliers also experience significant problems .
Partly because the services they offer are often very technical and not very “social-friendly” , partly because the world of finance and energy gives the impression of being full of bureaucracy, data, numbers and boring information, partly because, as often happens, “abstract” and intangible products are increasingly difficult to transmit and communicate.
As we’ve said before, it’s easy to be social when your brand sells cosmetics or cute, aesthetic gadgets. It’s a little less easy if you sell financial advice or energy contracts.
But not impossible! Yes: even brands that deal with finance and energy can be social friendly and use communication channels well. Let’s find out how.
Before looking at some practical examples of brands in these sectors that are doing a great job on social media, let’s try to understand what vk database customers and potential customers expect from these companies today, in terms of communication and content, and what elements are important to focus on to make your digital strategy more social-proof .
Explain complex concepts in simple words
Money and energy are issues that concern everyone, but not everyone is sufficiently educated on the topic or has mastered the skills necessary to navigate the intricate world of finance or energy supply.
Often, one has the feeling of “getting lost” within the multitude of services and offers that are advertised: this perception can easily defining a successful promotional strategy transform into the fear of being cheated or of not having total control over one’s choices.
This is why users appreciate brands that know how to explain complex concepts and topics using simple words or concrete, easily understandable examples : less “fluff”, more practicality and sincerity.
Helpful advice and tips (especially on saving)
Everyone likes to receive useful tips and suggestions to better manage their savings or to save on domestic energy use.
For the most ordinary people, it takes very lack data little to breathe a sigh of relief and feel reassured and protected: an advantageous offer, a transparently written contract, a product that truly takes into account contemporary needs , but also a friendly, reassuring and human tone of voice , which helps to regain a little confidence to face daily challenges.
Beware of the sensitivities of the contemporary world
Today’s customers and prospects are paying close attention to sensitive and important issues , such as climate change, equity, acceptance and inclusion, and they expect the brands around them to do the same.
It is truly unthinkable, today, for those who work in the finance or energy sector not to include in their communication strategy contents or messages that explain the company’s position on certain issues and make users understand that what is important to them is also important to suppliers.