Another big mistake you can make after creating your landing page is not tracking the results and not doing any testing.
In any Digital Marketing strategy, it is important to always keep an eye on the metrics of the results of the actions you take. The same applies to landing pages.
Additionally, since a landing page is a page that seeks t uganda phone number data o attract conversions, not testing will not help you know what really works and what does not drive conversions for your page.
Now that you know the main mistakes that can compromise the good performance of a landing page, it’s time to create a perfect landing page. Let’s go!
How to create the perfect landing page: 11 essential factors
If you want to achieve good results with your Landing Page, that is, have high conversion rates of your visitors into leads, it is important to create it according to best practices.
Of course, there are practices that will vary depending on the objective. However, there are factors common to all strategies that will help in the results of all types of Landing Pages.
That’s why we’re going to show you 11 factors that are essential for creating a perfect landing page. Join us!
1. Develop the Landing Page according to your Buyer Persona
Just like your content, your landing pages must marketing Positioning also be consistent with what your buyer persona is looking for and with the stage of the sales funnel in which that future lead is located.
By thinking about your ideal client when creating the Landing Page, you will understand which of their pain points the offer will solve, highlighting it and using it as a persuasion resource for conversion.
By creating a page that takes into account your persona’s interests and goals, you will be more accurate and, consequently, increase your chances of conversion.
Additionally, by focusing on your Buyer Persona, you will define:
- what kind of language to use;
- what other content can be inserted, such as testimonials and videos;
- the images and the design of the Landing Page.
2. Think according to the stage of the funnel
To know which stage of the funnel your contact lists landing page is in, you just have to consider the phase of the funnel your offer is in and which stage of the customer journey the landing page is compatible with.
For example, a landing page that encourages speaking to the sales force has a bottom-of-the-funnel offer but is focused on a visitor who is further along in the journey.
Meanwhile, a pull-in ebook is a top-of-funnel offer and is still focused on a visitor who is at the beginning of the journey. That way, the landing page is also top-of-funnel.
With this data, you will know what information you should have on the page to address the visitor’s pain according to the phase they are in the funnel.
At the bottom of the funnel you can talk about your company, product or service.
Once you reach the top, you will have to be more didactic so that the visitor recognizes their problem and makes the conversion.
Also, thinking about the stage of the funnel will help you define the fields on your landing page form. The closer to the bottom of the funnel, the more questions, even personal ones, you can ask.
3. Choose the location to create and publish the Landing Page
Choosing the location of your landing page is an essential factor in preparing for the creation process, knowing what elements are available in the tools, being aware of the necessary prior knowledge,